Lisa's Big Ride Across America

Lisa's Big Ride Across America
I will try to update this blog regularly and keep you all informed on how I'm doing and the amazing things I'm experiencing. Thank you all for your support. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I hope you all are having a wonderful, exciting summer! Stay active, stay healthy, and peace to all. Lisa

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Meet the amazing community that was the Big Ride 2007

Tom VanCura

Steven McCloskey
Phil Williams
Lisa Gizzarelli
Alex Anderson

Michael Yee
Brian O'Sullivan
David Hoganson - Crew, our mechanic
Jean Anne Hattler
Brack Hattler
Jodi Matakovich
Liz Schulz
Helyn Anderson

David Lambert
Vern Katzung
Ben Thiesse
Sean Bennett
Mark (Pollie's Dad) - Crew (he joined us after Anne sadly left us)
Jerry - Crew
Jeff Rich
Jay Carlson
Greg Sterling
Greg Dimmitt
Pollie McCloskey - Crew, Ride Director
David Latner
Andy Lasseter
Adam Marengi
Bob Jones
Mary Moore

Dan Scott
Marty Minkoff
Jerome Mercer
Nick Fels
Ane Klomps
Scott Hadley
Cathy Harm - Crew
Bill Harm
Justine Dobies
Margo Harrison

Kelly McCall Rodney Sanders
Kari Giorgi
Alison Guerin
Em - Kelly McCall's crew and MOM

Floyd Bere Barry Verbel
Mike McFarlin
Trish Dimmitt
Bob Dumke
Anne - Crew

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