Lisa's Big Ride Across America

Lisa's Big Ride Across America
I will try to update this blog regularly and keep you all informed on how I'm doing and the amazing things I'm experiencing. Thank you all for your support. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I hope you all are having a wonderful, exciting summer! Stay active, stay healthy, and peace to all. Lisa

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 8 - Thompson Falls, MT to Missoula, MT

Rode 102.57 miles today. Average 13.5 mph

This was a long day, but I got into camp at the University of Montana at about 3:40 in the afternoon. The fastest century I've ever done. The morning was great and fast. I felt good. The afternoon, I slowed down a LOT, I had to stand up constantly. The ride was beautiful though. Got some yummy black licorice in a little town - mmmm. I was starving all day today. Breakfast didn't seem to work for me at all. My second breakfast was a king size snickers bar that ate in about 10 seconds. The last 26 miles of the ride was a long gradual hill, but the then the downhill seemed to last forever and took us right into Missoula. It was wonderful! My high speed was 44.5 mph and I was braking a bit because someone was in front of me. The high speed for the day was won by Andy - 52 mph. Another rest day!!!! Looking forward to shopping for a different saddle and eating sorbet and sleeping!

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