Lisa's Big Ride Across America

Lisa's Big Ride Across America
I will try to update this blog regularly and keep you all informed on how I'm doing and the amazing things I'm experiencing. Thank you all for your support. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I hope you all are having a wonderful, exciting summer! Stay active, stay healthy, and peace to all. Lisa

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 28 (7/22) New Ulm, MN to Owatonna, MN

73.43 miles
13.2 mph average

I didn't take any pictures today for some reason.

There was a strong crosswind today, that sometimes became a headwind. Despite this, the ride went very quickly today! I never thought I would say 73 miles is a short ride, but it was pleasantly short. At breakfast today, it was announced that one of our support staff, Anne had to leave us. We were very sad to hear the news and will miss her greatly - she was wonderful to have as our support. Anne, if you're reading this, I hope you are doing well. We all miss you! It would be great if we could get to see you at the end of the ride.

We passed through many small towns today which broke up the ride nicely. We rode through Mancato, MN which seems like a nice city. We rode to Vern's hometown today and had a warm welcome from several members of his family and community. His wife brought us PIE and lots of it - it was so good! We camped at the fairgrounds in Owatonna and it poured at night!! Many of us were sleeping in the beer garden building and were nice and dry, but a handful of people were tenting and their things were soaked in the morning.

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