Lisa's Big Ride Across America

Lisa's Big Ride Across America
I will try to update this blog regularly and keep you all informed on how I'm doing and the amazing things I'm experiencing. Thank you all for your support. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I hope you all are having a wonderful, exciting summer! Stay active, stay healthy, and peace to all. Lisa

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day 23 - Pierre, SD to Miller, SD

A nice place to sit for a water break - Anne, Jodi and Greg
The nicer seats next to the cinder blocks.
Greg - checking out the route ahead on the cue sheet

74.63 miles
13.2 mph

Headwind ALL DAY, but the terrain was mostly flat and down and easy. You couldn't feel the down with the headwind though. I rode in a paceline with Kari, Alison, Andy, Jodi and David in the morning, but couldn't keep up with them on the few gradual hills. Rode with Greg, Margo and Adam later in the day and really enjoyed chatting with Greg. I rode alone for a while and then attempted a pace line, but wasn't in the right mentality for it yet and hit David's wheel in front of me and wiped out. I was fine, not even a scrape. That sure woke me up. Got into town at 1:30 and stopped at a pizza place before going to camp with Liz, Ane, Ben, Sean and David. Jay and Nick met us there and shared some fun lawyer humor with us! The pizza place had really good chocolate cookies. We camped at Miller high school - a nice school. Camped on the stage in the back corner - it was so nice - I slept great!!!

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