Lisa's Big Ride Across America

Lisa's Big Ride Across America
I will try to update this blog regularly and keep you all informed on how I'm doing and the amazing things I'm experiencing. Thank you all for your support. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I hope you all are having a wonderful, exciting summer! Stay active, stay healthy, and peace to all. Lisa

Friday, June 29, 2007

First Day Riding, Seattle to Easton

The Big Riders!
Passing Over the $350,000 check from all of our donations to the head of the Washington American Lung Association

Snoqualmie Falls
Ane, Liz, Margo, David at the Falls

First Day Starting Ceremony

Our Host Family
Starting Line - Lake Washington, Stan Sayer's Park
Margo, Helyn, Cricket, Bob

More Pictures from Seattle, before the ride

Iron Mike, Me, Dan Scott


Margo and Jodi


Big Ride 2007 Bike Jersey

Sorry, I don't have time to flip them right side up, I'm almost out of time on this computer, but these are our jersies that I volunteered to be in charge of ordering for us. I was to work with the jersey company, Voler and tell them what we wanted on our jersies. I started sketching some designs and emailed them to them and they worked with my designs and improved them to end up with a pretty nice jersey. Everyone seems pleased with them and they are colorful and visible on the road. It was fun to draw the sketches, I haven' t drawn in years, and I really enjoy it. It was a great way to procrastinate too, it sure beat grading papers!

Seattle - Before the Ride Began

Well, I made it to Seattle and had just finished putting my bike back together. I arrived with a pretty bad cold and felt kind of crappy but very excited to meet everyone and start my adventure. I was staying with 7 other big riders with a host family, the husband had done the ride a few years prior. It was great that 8 of us were all staying together because the rest of the big riders (there are 46 of us, I think) were each staying with different host families alone. We were lucky because we got to spend two days together before the ride started and really bond and get to know each other. These people are great! Our mechanic, Dave also stayed with us, who is also an awsome person!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Last long ride of my training

This Saturday was my last long ride of my training. It actually wasn't all that long, but it was definitely full of elevation. Our first day riding is 77 miles and has about 4000 to 4500 feet elevation gain. To prepare for that, I rode up 5000 feet in 64 miles on Saturday. For those of you who are local, I rode up and over the ridge twice with several hills in between. It was a great route starting in New Paltz and going over the ridge on 44/55 to Kerhonkson, then out to the Ashokan Reservoir via many beautiful back country roads and then riding through Stone Ridge to High Falls and heading back up and over the ridge past the Mohonk Mountain House back into New Paltz. Unfortunately, it was pouring out for most of my time on the other side of the ridge (the non New Paltz side), which was most of my ride. My ride began and ended with absolutely beautiful weather in New Paltz though. It was a great ride and I definitely feel ready for the elevation now. Bring on the Cascades! I may not be fast, but I've got endurance and I feel pretty confident about what lies ahead. My flight leaves in 5 days, what lies ahead is nearly here...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Soon enough...

Well, there's only a little more than a week left before the ride begins. I've finally finished my fundraising, thanks to my students' amazing donations! My training has been going well. I've been so busy lately with last minute preparation for the ride and preparing my students for their final exam and grading the final assignments that riding time has been very hard to fit in lately. I got to ride with my brother this past weekend during a rare local appearance which was great! I'm in much better shape since the last time I rode with him in October or November. I can't wait for it all to begin and meet all of my fellow riders. But until then...I've got a lot of preparation still left to do before I leave my home, my cat, my bills, and my job for a summer of excitement! Soon enough...